Sue Patrick's Workbox System has two very important components. The first component teaches you how to optimize the benefits of homeschooling. One of the reasons we home school is to provide the best teaching and learning environment for our children. I will show you how to present your child's work with purpose and fun, and allow you to be more systematic with appropriate materials.
I will explain how to make your current curriculum and work "make sense" to your child. Often a child's ability to succeed simply depends on having the material presented in smaller pieces that are especially tailored to him. Also, presenting his material throughout the day with variety and enhanced teaching "angles" will make sure he truly learns. While this is great for all children, I can address teaching low functioning children as well as gifted and distractible ones.
The second component is the physical structure of Sue Patrick's Workbox System which will allow you to teach your child more effectively, and at the same time help you to better organize your school day. Children using this system stay more focused and are more successful in learning and completing their school work independently. With as little as one day's work in restructuring your classroom, you will provide better organization for you and your child. It will then be easier to set up a school day of curriculum, variety and fun, while steering your child toward independence and greater focus.
The second component is the physical structure of Sue Patrick's Workbox System which will allow you to teach your child more effectively, and at the same time help you to better organize your school day. Children using this system stay more focused and are more successful in learning and completing their school work independently. With as little as one day's work in restructuring your classroom, you will provide better organization for you and your child. It will then be easier to set up a school day of curriculum, variety and fun, while steering your child toward independence and greater focus.
We have many years of homeschooling experience and we are hoping to be able to share our trials and our triumphs here in our Homeschooling 101 series. We will walk you through the basics and answer our most commonly asked questions. We hope this will be a good resource for those just beginning their journey and an encouragement to the more experienced homeschoolers.
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